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Items available on this site are offered for sale by Windshears Wares.  Windshears Wares retains the right to refuse sale to any person for any reason. All sales are final and no returns will be given except in special circumstances determined by Windshears Wares.

By placing an order with Windshears Wares, you agree to these terms of sale.



Top News

  • Jan 26, 2025Welcome FusselschwarmJust added a link to Fusselschwarm a European based webstore that specializes in queer anthropomorphics. They are excellent people I highly recommend them.
  • Nov 28, 2024some new itemsposted some new fanzines and portfolios, much more to come
  • Nov 17, 2024Calendars are addedadded some classic furry calendars from the 1990's, many autographed by artists
  • Oct 31, 2024more new items addedsome dojins added and a couple of Kadath graphic novels
  • Oct 20, 2024new stuff incomingI am working on a batch of 100 new items to be added to the website. I am no longer posting specific categories but a bunch of all kinds so there is something for everyone. Plus due to suggestions by you the customer I will be adding more male oriented dojins to the inventory.
All news

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